We are seeing form factor improvements in computing devices day after day. The tablet ( version 2.0, if I may say so!) PC which is expected to reign in along side netbooks is indeed going to be a sweet spot for desktop players in the coming 2-3 years. I dont need to go into any detail of the mobile market at all. We have thus seen the evolution of personal computing in three distinct phases:
1. Desktops
2. Laptops
3. Netbooks/Tablet PCs and Mobile Devices
The arrival of each phase seems to have "commoditized" the previous phase in many ways. No longer are Desktops /Laptops cutting edge markets to go after. They have reached the "Late Majority" of the Technology Adoption life cycle - if I may borrow some insights from G.Moore. There are indications of the Mobile Devices market having reached some critical mass. Netbooks/Tablet PCs may soon get there.
What is the next stage for personal computing? If the folks at MIT media lab and people like Pranav Mistry can execute on the promise of delivering the "SixthSense" technology to the masses, this may be it! We would enter a generation where there is a seamless interaction between the physical world and the digital world , which renders any form of a "computing terminal", be it, desktops, Laptops, Netbooks or Mobile Devices almost unnecessary for day-to-day use. This is not just something out of the movie "Minority Report"(thinking about Colin Farrel doing all those gestures in front of a big screen), but a lot more!
Here is one of the talks by Mistry which I wanted to share.
I do think that this has tremendous promise, and needs support and backing from the Venture Capital Industry for it to be brought out of the labs and into the mainstream market.
Good luck Mistry.