Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Congratulations to Mellanox for announcing one of the industry's first 40GbE solutions. Its definitely the next big step in the evolution of Ethernet - and it has indeed come a long way from the conceptualization by Metcalfe.

Getting networking software working at 40GbE will be an enormously interesting challenge(Though the 40GbE adapter has the capabilities for running storage protocols such as FCoE obviously in hardware). The existing software TCP/IP stacks will definitely run into *severe* issues trying to get the best out of the huge pipe lying in front of it. TCP/IP was never designed with such speeds in mind. This is not to say that there are no solutions to the problem. The CPU speeds are increasing fast, but CPU speed increases are more of a linear trend - unlike the "leaps" in network bandwidth evolution.

The market adoption however might be an issue - considering that even 10GbE doesn't have the necessary traction it was presumed to have.

Anyways - good luck folks.

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